TOEFL Junior

Standard 測驗

Standard 測驗 - 成績說明

TOEFL Junior Standard測驗之成績取決於考生的答對題數,部分題目不採計於測驗三部份(聽力、語意、閱讀測驗)或總分中。除不計分題目外,三部份答對題目的配分皆相同。每部份的答對題數會轉換為量尺分數,分數範圍皆為200-300分,以5分為一級距。總分為測驗三部分的分數總和,其分數範圍為600-900分,亦以5分為一級距。由於三部份的測驗各自為獨立的量尺分數,所以不應該將其作比較差異。

項目 量尺分數
聽力測驗 200-300
語意測驗 200-300
閱讀測驗 200-300
總分數 600-900

TOEFL Junior® Standard 測驗的總分等級、量尺分數總分、 相對應之能力敘述及CEFR等級參照說明請參見下表:

總分等級 總量尺分數 能力敘述 CEFR 等級與成績參照
865–900 完全理解複雜的書面及口語內容,並掌握複雜的文法和字彙。 三部份皆為B2。
785–860 能大致理解複雜的書面及口語內容,並能掌握複雜的文法和字彙。 三部份皆為B1。
730–780 能理解部份複雜的書面及口語內容,對基本程度的書面及口語內容理解力較佳,並能掌握基本的文法和字彙。 三部份皆為B1,但有時出現A2。
625–725 偶爾能理解基本的書面及口語內容,並能掌握基本的文法和字彙。 三部份大致皆達A2,但聽力與閱讀測驗有時為A1。
600–620 僅能理解一些極基本的書面及口語內容,並稍微使用基本的文法和字彙,但語言技能與理解能力皆須進一步提升 聽力與閱讀測驗大致為A1; 語意測驗則大致達A2。
TOEFL Junior Standard 測驗與CEFR歐洲語言能力分級架構參照

歐洲語言學習、教學、評量共同參考架構簡稱CEFR,為一國際認定之語言能力分級參考標準。描述對於不同程度語言熟悉度上的表現。TOFEL Junior Standard測驗將各部份測驗分數與CEFR能力分級做參照,使測驗者可以更了解測驗成績在全球的分數中所對應的能力水平及分數所代表的意義。

項目 A1 入門級 A2 基礎級 B1 進階級 B2 高階級
聽力測驗 210 以下 210-240 245-285 290-300
語意測驗 210 以下 210-245 250-275 280-300
閱讀測驗 210 以下 210-240 245-285 290-300
聽力測驗 - 能力指標對照CEFR說明


Score Range CEFR Level Proficiency Descriptors
290-300 B2

Test takers within this score range typically have the following strengths:

  • They can understand main ideas, whether they are clearly stated or implied, in both academic and nonacademic extended spoken texts.
  • They can identify important details in both academic and nonacademic extended spoken texts.
  • They can make inferences based on a speaker’s intonation or stress.
  • They can usually understand idiomatic language used in longer, more complex speech.
  • They can understand how information is being used by a speaker (e.g., to make a comparison or to provide evidence to support an argument) in academic and nonacademic extended spoken texts
245-285 B1

Test takers within this score range typically have the following strengths:

  • They can understand main ideas that are explicitly stated in academic and nonacademic extended spoken texts where the language is simple and the context is clear.
  • They can identify important details in academic and nonacademic extended spoken texts where the language is simple and the context is clear.
  • They can make inferences in short spoken texts where the language is simple and the context is clear.
  • They can understand some common idioms used in moderately complex speech.
  • They can understand how information is being used by a speaker (e.g., to make a comparison or to provide evidence to support an argument) when the context is familiar
210-240 A2

Test takers within this score range typically have the following strengths:

  • They can understand the main idea of a brief classroom announcement if it is explicitly stated.
  • They can understand important details that are explicitly stated and reinforced in short talks and conversations.
  • They can understand direct paraphrases of spoken information when the language is simple and the context is clear.
  • They can understand a speaker’s purpose in a short talk when the language is simple and the context is clear.
Below 210 Below A2

Test takers typically need to develop their proficiency in the following ways:

  • Understanding the main ideas and important details of announcements, short talks and simple conversations.
  • Understanding a speaker’s purpose in a short talk when the language is simple and the context is clear.
  • Paraphrasing spoken information when the language is simple and the context is clear.
語意測驗 - 能力指標對照CEFR說明


Score Range CEFR Level Proficiency Descriptors
280-300 B2

Test takers within this score range typically have the following strengths:

  • They usually recognize the accurate meaning and use of more advanced grammatical structures (e.g., relative clauses) in academic and nonacademic texts.
  • They demonstrate knowledge of a wide range of vocabulary that includes words found primarily in academic texts.
  • They usually recognize how sentences combine to create cohesive, meaningful paragraphs in nonacademic and academic texts.
250-275 B1

Test takers within this score range typically have the following strengths:

  • They usually recognize the accurate meaning and use of basic grammatical structures (e.g., comparative adjectives) in nonacademic and academic texts, but do not consistently recognize the accurate meaning and use of more advanced structures.
  • They demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary typically used in everyday, nonacademic texts.
  • They usually recognize how sentences combine to create cohesive, meaningful paragraphs in nonacademic texts, but sometimes have difficulty doing so with academic texts.
210-245 A2

Test takers within this score range typically have the following strengths:

  • They sometimes recognize the accurate meaning and use of the most basic grammatical structures (e.g., present or past simple verb tense) in nonacademic texts.
  • They demonstrate knowledge of the most commonly used, nonacademic vocabulary.
  • They sometimes recognize how sentences combine to create cohesive, meaningful paragraphs in nonacademic texts, but usually have difficulty doing so with academic texts.
Below 210 Below A2

Test takers typically need to develop their proficiency in the following ways:

  • Increase their general vocabulary.
  • Improve their knowledge and use of basic grammatical structures (e.g., subject-verb agreement or simple prepositions).
  • Understand how sentences combine to create cohesive, meaningful paragraphs
閱讀測驗 - 能力指標對照CEFR說明


Score Range CEFR Level Proficiency Descriptors
290-300 B2

Test takers within this score range typically have the following strengths:

  • They can understand main ideas in nonacademic and academic texts, including ones that are not explicitly stated.
  • They can accurately comprehend important details in nonacademic and academic texts, including texts with a high level of linguistic complexity.
  • They can effectively make inferences when reading, including inferences needed to understand why an author includes certain information (e.g., to make a comparison or to provide evidence to support an argument) in nonacademic and academic texts.
  • They can usually infer the attitude or point of view of a character in a fictional story. They can usually understand figurative language and determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary words from context, even in linguistically complex academic texts.
245-285 B1

Test takers within this score range typically have the following strengths:

  • They can understand main ideas that are explicitly stated in nonacademic and academic texts.
  • They can usually identify important details in nonacademic and academic texts, even when the context is not always clear and the vocabulary may be unfamiliar.
  • They can sometimes make inferences accurately, including inferences needed to understand why an author includes certain information (e.g., to make a comparison or to provide evidence to support an argument) in nonacademic and academic texts.
  • They can usually identify events and plotlines in a fictional narrative.
  • They can usually determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary words from context in simply constructed texts.
210-240 A2

Test takers within this score range typically have the following strengths:

  • They can sometimes identify main ideas that are explicitly stated in nonacademic texts.
  • They can sometimes identify basic details in nonacademic and academic texts where the language is simple and the context is clear.
  • They can usually locate basic information in nonlinear texts, such as schedules and menus that use everyday, nonacademic vocabulary.
  • They can sometimes make simple inferences in straightforward, nonacademic texts.
  • They can sometimes determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary words from context in simply constructed nonacademic texts.
Below 210 Below A2

Test takers typically need to develop the following skills:

  • Identifying main ideas and important details in texts written in simple, clear language.
  • Making inferences based on texts written in simple, clear language.
  • Locating basic information in nonlinear reading materials, such as schedules, menus, etc.
  • Determining the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary words from context.
Speaking 測驗 
TOFEL Junior Speaking分數 CEFR Level
14-16 B2
11-13 B1
8-10 A2
8 以下 A2 以下

Speaking 測驗 - 能力指標對照 CEFR 說明

Score Range CEFR Level Proficiency Descriptors
14-16 B2

A typical student within this score range can do all of the following:

  • Almost always speak in a fluent and sustained way
  • Almost always use intonation effectively
  • Produce speech that is always understandable to listeners, with only minor errors in pronunciation
  • Almost always produce vocabulary and grammar that is accurate, varied and effective, with only a few errors
  • Tell a complete and coherent story with elaboration and detail
  • Understand and accurately convey all main ideas and supporting details from an academic lecture, with almost no omissions
11-13 B1

A typical student within this score range can do all of the following:

  • Usually speak in a fluent and sustained way, with some stops or hesitations
  • Usually use intonation effectively
  • Produce speech that is usually understandable to listeners, but with some pronunciation errors
  • Usually produce vocabulary and grammar that is accurate and effective, although with some errors
  • Tell a story that is mostly complete and coherent, although some details are inaccurate or left out
  • Understand and convey main ideas from an academic lecture, although some supporting details may be left out or inaccurate
8-10 A2

A typical student within this score range can do all of the following:

  • Speak fluently for a few brief stretches
  • Sometimes use intonation effectively
  • Produce speech that is at times understandable to listeners, but with obvious pronunciation errors
  • Often produce basic vocabulary and simple grammatical structures
  • Tell a limited story, occasionally providing details
  • Understand and convey limited information from an academic lecture, but probably leave out many supporting details
Below 8 Below A2

A typical student within this score range can do all of the following:

  • Speaking fluently for at least a few brief stretches
  • Using intonation effectively
  • Producing speech that is understandable to listeners
  • Producing basic vocabulary and simple grammatical structures
  • Telling a story with some details
  • Understanding and conveying some information from an academic lecture
TOEFL Junior Standard 測驗提供藍思閱讀分級(Lexile®)級數,幫助考生找到適合的英文讀物

提升閱讀能力最好的方法就是多閱讀,藉由TOFEL Junior Standard測驗成績所提供的參照藍思分級級數,能夠協助考生、家長、教師能夠找到最適合閱讀程度的書籍和文章。藍思閱讀分級,以一套發展量表為基礎。全世界有數百萬英文學習者和老師使用藍思閱讀分級來增進英文閱讀能力,並追蹤學習進度。透過藍思閱讀分級,針對不同年齡及不同英語熟悉程度的讀者都能找到適合的讀物來提升閱讀能力。(請參考免費學習資源)