

  1. 測驗日期/考場 : 請於考前上網查詢應考資訊,應試者不得要求更改測驗資訊。(因響應環保,本公司採取無紙化作業,不寄發應考資訊。)
  2. 當次測驗必備之應試用品:有效身分證件、2B 鉛筆及橡皮擦。
  3. 有效身分證件規定:
    • 本國籍考生
      • 年滿16歲(含)以上之考生:僅限「中華民國國民身分證」正本或有效期限內之「護照」正本。
      • 未滿16歲之考生:「中華民國國民身分證」正本或有效期限內之「護照」正本或「健保 IC 卡」正本。
    • 外國籍考生:有效期限內之「護照」正本或印有護照號碼之「中華民國居留證」正本。
    • 港、澳籍考生:有效期限內之「護照」正本。
    • 陸籍考生 有效期限內之「中華人民共和國居民身分證」正本。
    • 未帶有效證件考生,先行使用替代證件入場之規定:
      • 如未攜帶本測驗認可之有效身分證件,可持其它替代證件入場。但須請考生聯繫親友,將有效身分證件於考試結束前送抵考場試務中心,補辦考生身分確認,無誤後則視同該考生自始即持有效身分證件入場。若於考試結束前,未能將本測驗認可之有效身分證件送抵考場,則該場測驗成績將仍不予計分,亦不得要求辦理 退費或申請延期。
      • 替代證件須為卡式證件:具備考生之照片、姓名、身分證字號及出生年月日,缺一者則不得入場。
  4. 入場時須出示有效身分證件,有效身分證件上之資料須與考生報名資料相符,方得入場應試。
    • 若應試當天考生出示的有效身分證件姓名或ID Number 與考生報名資料不符,則不得入場考試。
    • 於應試前更改中文姓名者,需提供「戶籍謄本」或「新式戶口名簿」證明文件,且記事欄位須記載更名事項,驗證無誤後才能入場考試。測驗結束後不得申請更名。
    • 照片依報名時繳交之照片為依據,應試當天若無法辨識為本人者,將不准予入場。
  5. 測驗期間非應試用品需放置於監試人員指定之位置。請勿攜帶貴重物品,若遺失,恕不負保管、賠償之責。
  6. 電子設備及電子穿戴裝置(包含行動電話、手錶、手環、智慧型眼鏡...等)均不得攜帶至座位(僅能攜帶指針式機械錶),必須關閉電源並放置於監試人員指定之位置,測驗開始後至監試人員宣布離開試場前皆不得發出任何聲響(包含震動)。違者成績不予計分,亦不得要求辦理退費或申請延期。
  7. 請於測驗開始前30分鐘抵達應試教室,依座位表上之座位代碼就座。測驗時間(含基本資料填寫)開始後即不得入場,尚未入場者視同自行放棄。
  8. 測驗時間約兩個半小時,中間不休息,提前離場或交卷者視同放棄。若因不可抗力因素暫時離場者,須經監試人員許可並陪同,短少之測驗時間不予補足。
  9. 測驗過程中請確實遵守下列答題規則,若無遵守則以違規論。
    • 不得越區作答:測驗分三部分(聽力、文法結構與閱讀),每部分分別規定作答時間;各部分在規定測驗時間內,無論作答完畢與否,不可翻閱或作答及修改另一部分。否則以違規論,成績不予計分,且不得要求辦理退費或申請延期。
    • 測驗時於答案卡上,僅限填寫考生基本資料及劃記答案於答案欄位,不得再加註其它任何記號。否則以違規論,成績不予計分,且不得要求辦理退費或申請延期。
    • 測驗時僅可在題本空白處做筆記。在其他物品上抄寫題目、答案、劃線或作任何記號,傳遞、夾帶或左顧右盼、意圖窺視、相互交談、抄襲他人答案或自誦答案等行為,皆屬違規,成績不予計分,且不得要求辦理退費或申請延期。
  10. 測驗當天考生須完成簽名,始得應試。簽名視為同意遵守測驗規定之重要程序,未簽名者將影響測驗資格。
  11. 監試人員宣布測驗結束時應立即停筆,在原位靜候監試人員收卷、清點全部試題本及答案卡,宣布離場後始可離開。宣布離場前,不得再有提筆之動作,否則以違規論,成績不予計分,且不得要求辦理退費或申請延期。
  12. 為維護個人安全及考場秩序,測驗現場得由施測單位實施錄影。
  13. 本測驗試題之著作權人為ETS®,任何人未經ETS之同意,不得以任何形式進行重製或散布。意圖將試題本、答案卡或聽力測驗帶攜出試場,或於測驗中有錄音、錄影或其他重製之行為者,五年內不得報名參加本測驗。本公司保有相關法律追訴權。
  14. 考生入場時不得攜入任何具有錄音或錄影功能之工具或設備。測驗開始後對於疑似有攜入上述設備之人或疑似有錄音或錄影行為之人,本公司有權要求該行為人出示該工具或設備並配合檢查,若拒絕者將不得繼續考試,成績不予計分。
  15. 請人代考者,連同代考者,三年內不得報名參加本測驗。涉嫌請人代考及代考者,本公司保有相關法律追訴權。
  16. 試場內不得大聲喧嘩、抽煙及飲食或嚼食檳榔及口香糖等。凡考生於測驗當天有毀損現場設備、影響工作人員執行試務流程或不當擾亂考場秩序之行為,經勸阻無效者,本公司即禁止該考生參加當次測驗並令其離開試場,且有權禁止該考生於三年內不得報名參加本測驗;若前述行為導致其他考生因在干擾下進行考試或無法繼續考試而造成權益受損時,本公司必要時將採取法律行動以維護本公司與其他考生之權益。
  17. 如有不可抗力之因素(例:自然災害、疫情、罷工、遊行等),測驗安排方式如下:
    > 如無法於重新安排之測驗場次或考場應試,可於通知期限內申請退費,逾期恕無法提供後續處理。
  18. 如遇流行病疫情事,為保障全體考生之安全,本公司除遵守政府相關法令外,並得安排特別考試行政措施(如:要求考生進場時量體溫、戴口罩、消毒、禁止疑似病患應試等),敬請應試人員配合。
  19. 本簡章和報名表所指之協力單位係指辦理考試行政時提供支援之協辦中心、合作資訊公司及郵局等單位。
  20. 測驗後,成績因故無法計算,本公司得視情況安排免費重考
  21. 本公司施測單位保有各項規定文字之最後解釋權。

- Testing Regulations 

The testing regulations below are intended to ensure a smooth administration of the test and to protect test takers’ interests. Please read them carefully. If before, during, or after the test you do not comply with testing regulations, you will not be allowed to complete the test, your test will not be scored, the test fee will not be refunded, nor can the test be rescheduled.

1. Test date/venue: Please check admission details online before the day of the test. Test takers may not request any changes in the admission details. (In an effort to protect our environment, we have adopted a policy of paperless communication. We no longer send the admission details by post.)

2. On the day of the test, please ensure that you bring with you an acceptable form of identification, medium-soft pencils (2B), and erasers

3. Acceptable forms of identification include:

  • R.O.C. citizens
    • Test takers of 16 years and above: R.O.C. identity card or valid passport. Copies are not accepted.
    • Test takers under 16 years old: R.O.C. identification card, valid passport, or health insurance IC card.
  • Foreign nationals: Valid passport or ARC with passport number. Copies are not accepted.
  • Hong Kong and Macao residents:Valid passport with passport number. Copies are not accepted.
  • PRC residents: Valid PRC Resident Identity Card in the original.
  •  If you fail to bring an acceptable form of identification, you will be given temporary access to the test under the following conditions:
    • You may be given temporary access to the test if you can present a temporary form of identification. A family member or friend must bring your acceptable form of identification (R.O.C. identity card or valid passport only) to the test site before the end of the test. If your identity can be unmistakably established in this way, you are considered to have entered the test with acceptable ID according to regulations. If this is not the case, your test will not be scored. The test fee will not be refunded, nor can the test be rescheduled.
    • Temporary acceptable ID document must be in card format and include all of the following: photo, name, R.O.C. identity card number, date of birth.

4. On entering the test site, you must present a valid ID. In order for you to be admitted to the test, the information on the ID must match the information you gave upon registration.

  • If the name or number on the ID presented on the day of the test does not match the name or ID number given upon registration, you will not be admitted to the test.
  • If your name changes before the day of the test, you must present a certified copy of your household registration record (戶籍謄本) or the new family register (新式戶口名簿). The name change must be recorded on this document. You will be admitted to the test only if your identity can be unmistakably established. Please note that it is not possible to change test taker’s name after the test.
  • You will be identified based on the photo you gave upon registration. If on test day, we are unable to identify you as the person in the photo, you will not be admitted.

5. Personal belongings other than those required to take the test must be left outside the testing room in the place indicated by test supervisors. Please avoid bringing any valuables to the test venue. We assume no liability for lost items.

6. Electronic devices (including mobile phones, watches, digital watches, wristbands, smart glasses) are not allowed at your seat (only mechanical watches with hands are permitted). All devices must be powered off and placed in a location indicated by the test supervisor. Please make sure that your devices emit no sound at all (including vibration) from the start of the test until test takers are dismissed by the supervisor. Failure to comply will result in your test not being scored. The test fee will not be refunded, nor can the test be rescheduled.

7. Please arrive at the testing room 30 minutes prior to the start of the test. Look for your seat number on the seating chart and take your seat. No one will be admitted after testing has begun (this includes filling in general information on the test sheet). Latecomers will be considered to have voluntarily withdrawn from the test.

8. The test lasts for approximately 2.5 hours without any scheduled breaks. Anyone who leaves the room or hands in the test early will be considered to have withdrawn from the test. If you absolutely must leave the room, you must seek permission from the supervisor. Any time lost as a result of your absence will not be compensated.

9. During the test, please comply with the following rules:

  • You may not skip between sections: The test has three sections, listening, structure and written expression, reading. A certain amount of time is allotted for each section. During the allotted time for one section, whether you have completed this section or not, you are not permitted to work on or make changes of any kind in the other section. Failure to comply will result in your test not being scored. The test fee will not be refunded, nor can the test be rescheduled.
  • Apart from completing your personal information and marking answers in the columns provided, you may make no other marks on the answer sheet. Failure to comply will result in your test not being scored. The test fee will not be refunded, nor can the test be rescheduled.
  • During the test, you may use the blank spaces in the test book for note taking. Copying test items or answers and drawing lines or making marks in any place other than the test book is not permitted. Carrying or passing on notes, attempting to look at another test taker’s answers, talking with other test takers, copying another test taker’s answers or speaking answers out loud also violates the regulations and will result in your test not being scored. The test fee will not be refunded, nor can the test be rescheduled.

10. On the day of the test, you must provide your signature before starting the test. By signing the test, you agree to abide by the test regulations. Not providing your signature may disqualify you from taking the test.

11. Test takers must stop working immediately when time is called. Test takers are asked to sit quietly while test materials are collected and accounted for and until they are dismissed by the test supervisor. Any writing after the designated time is considered misconduct and will result in your test not being scored. The test fee will not be refunded, nor can the test be rescheduled.

12. To ensure safety and order, video cameras may be in operation at the test site.

13. The TOEFL ITP test is copyrighted property of ETS®. Duplicating and disseminating test material without the permission of ETS is strictly prohibited. Any attempt to remove testing material from the testing room or to make video, audio, or any other type of recording will result in a five-year ban from the test. The local test administrator (Chun Shin Ltd.) reserves the right to legal action.

14. Devices with video or audio recording capability may not be brought into the testing room. If a test taker is suspected to be in possession of or using recording equipment while the test is in progress, the test supervisor has the right to demand that test taker render the device and submit to inspection. If test taker refuses to cooperate, the test will not be scored.

15. Taking the test for someone else or allowing someone to take the test for you will result in a three-year ban from the test for all parties involved. The test administrator reserves the right to take legal action against perpetrators.

16. Smoking, drinking, making noise, eating and chewing betel nuts or chewing gum are not permitted in the testing room. If on the day of the test, you damage equipment at the test site, interfere with the staff's administration of the test or cause any other kind of disruption, despite having been warned by the staff, you will not be allowed to continue the test and you will be dismissed from the test site.
The local test administrator (Chun Shin Ltd.) has the right to ban you from taking the test for a period of three years.
If as a consequence of your behavior, other test takers have to continue testing under disturbance or are prevented from continuing the test, this constitutes a violation of other test takers’rights and interests. In this case, the local test administrator (Chun Shin Ltd.) will be forced to take legal action to protect its own rights and those of the other test takers.

17. If the unforeseeable events (natural disaster, pandemic, strikes, demonstration, etc.) prevent the test to proceed as it is scheduled, the following arrangements will be announced:

  • If the test won't be held as it's scheduled or it's been terminated, the test administrator will inform the test takers the new arrangements through e-mail and text message.
  • If the test site is suddenly cancelled (may because of pandemic or other conditions), the test administrator will inform the test takers the new test site arrangements through e-mail and text message.
  • If the test taker cannot attend the test as the rearranged date or site, he/she can request the test fee refund within a specified period, if the time limit is past, the application won't be accepted.

18. In case of an epidemic disease or flu, the test administrator will take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of all test takers. Test takers are asked to cooperate with special arrangements or regulations, which may include body temperature measurement at the entrance to the testing room, the use of face masks and sterilizers in the testing room, or the denial of entry for test takers suspected to be carriers of such disease or flu etc.

19. The associated organizations referred to in the TOEFL ITP bulletin and registration form include associated test centers, IT companies, post offices, and others.

20. If for any reason a test cannot be scored, the test administrator must make appropriate arrangements for a repeat test.

21. The test administrator (Chun Shin Ltd.) reserves the right to the final interpretation of each item in these regulations